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Juraimy Abu Bakar joined the NUS Dance Ensemble in 1994 and has been actively choreographing for the ensemble's annual concerts since 1997.Many of his choreography have stemmed from his early theatre influences during his undergraduate days. Currently freelancing as both dancer and choreographer, Juraimy has been exposed to a wide-range of dance styles that includes Bharathanatyam, Butoh, Balinese, Ballet, Modern Dance, Jazz Funk and Hip Hop. He has worked on various dance projects with NUS Halls of residences, corporate organisation and participated in the 1996 Singapore Arts Festival in a movement piece entitled "My body, My Choice" by cultural medallion winner Lim Fei Shen.

1994 - Involvement in theatre (Asia-in-theatre under William Teo) exposed to physical theatre (Worked with Roger Jenkins); Attended Paul Sardot's bodyworks workshop.

1996 - Began choreography. Experimented with modern choreography that incorporated his theatrical experience.

1997 - Pioneer choreography for The Next Wave - Les Corps D'Hommes (started his series of choreography for successive Next Waves). Participated in the Singapore Arts Festival in a movement piece by cultural medallion winner Lim Fei Shen.

Zaini Zaki Ann Md Noor